The research component of ACCESS has stopped following termination of funding. See here for more information.


Stay up-to-date with our research findings and approach! 

ACCESS: Transition to Phase 2

ACCESS Phase 2 has the objectives of supporting a process of change towards greater institutionalisation of AEPs and flexible education programming, while also understanding the enabling and constraining factors towards this type of change.

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Healing the wounds of forced displacement: the power of education

Throughout the first year of ACCESS, our researchers have found that often, the actions of donors, civil society, government to strengthen education provision for out of school children and youth maintains the status quo. While this work is necessary, it is insufficient to achieve the types of far-reaching, bold or disruptive change which the UN Secretary General notes is required. It also precludes these OOSCY from accessing the types of learning opportunities they need and demand.

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Friendship and Care as True Partnership in Research: A Personal Reflection

In ACCESS, we not only focus on what we do, but how we do it. We strive for co-production of our research. That was our entry into the panel—how we create true and equal partnership within the research team. During that panel, and in many instances throughout ACCESS, I’ve been reflecting on what true partnership means to me. I’ve come to realize that one of the most important elements of true partnership is friendship—truly caring about each other.

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The University of Auckland logo on left in white over dark blue box. To the right: Education and Social Work written in green over Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies written in blue
AEWG logo