The research component of ACCESS has stopped following termination of funding. See here for more information.


Stay up-to-date with our research findings and approach! 

Deconstructing Ethical and Equitable Research Practices

The long-lasting impacts of colonialism, racism, and embedded power-structures have long been discussed within international development practices more widely. It is only recently, however, that these discussions have come to the fore within the Education in Emergencies community.

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Challenging Research-Practice Partnerships

Research partnerships in the humanitarian and development communities have long been susceptible to implicit (and explicit) power structures which affect how the research is designed and carried out, as well as a dissonance between who collects the data, and then makes sense of it all. In ACCESS we have made a commitment to challenge these dynamics.

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The University of Auckland logo on left in white over dark blue box. To the right: Education and Social Work written in green over Centre for Asia Pacific Refugee Studies written in blue
AEWG logo