Our Team
The research component of ACCESS has stopped following termination of funding. See here for more information.

Chima Egbujuo (he/him)
Country Researcher
Email Address: chima.egbujuo@auckland.ac.nz

Darlin Ibargüen Asprilla (he/him)
Country Researcher
Email Address: darlin.ibarguen.asprilla@auckland.ac.nz

Kayla Boisvert (she/her)
Research Manager
Email Address: kayla.boisvert@auckland.ac.nz

Lorena Becerra Flórez (she/her)
National Coordinator
Email: lorena.becerra@nrc.no
Lorena's bio in English

Ma Mya Aye (she/her)
Advocacy & Communications Officer
Email Address: mamya.aye@auckland.ac.nz

Maen Rayyan (he/him)
National Coordinator
Email: maen@questscope.org

Mai Nasrallah (she/her)
Country Researcher
Email Address: mai.nasrallah@auckland.ac.nz

Manal ElMazbouh (she/her)
Country Researcher
Email Address: manal.elmazbouh@auckland.ac.nz

Ritesh Shah (he/him)
Principal Investigator
Email Address: r.shah@auckland.ac.nz
Phase 1 Researchers

Ana Maria Restrepo-Saenz
Country Researcher
Email Address: anarestreposaenz@gmail.com

Daniel Agudelo Navarro
Country Researcher
Email Address: agudelodan@gmail.com

Diana Bagarukayo (she/her)
Country Researcher
Email Address: sekaggyad@gmail.com

Neelofar Shahzad
Country Researcher
Email Address: neelofar_shahzad@yahoo.com.au

Sixtine Berquist (she/her)
Advocacy & Communications Officer (Phase 1)
Email Address: sixtine.berquist@auckland.ac.nz