Our Partners
The research component of ACCESS has stopped following termination of funding. See here for more information.

The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) is an inter-agency working group composed of UN agencies, donors, NGOs, and other stakeholders that support Accelerated Education Programs (AEP) and other flexible education opportunities for out-of-school children and youth. Since 2015, the AEWG has developed a framework for high-quality accelerated education and tools and guidance to support funding, design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of AEPs. The group also works with national education systems to institutionalize AEP and strengthen systemic resilience to crises.
The AEWG members are: Save the Children, Norwegian Refugee Council, UNICEF, International Rescue Committee, Plan, USAID, UNHCR, War Child Holland, UNESCO, Education Development Center, ECHO, INEE, Geneva Global, Creative Associates, Luminos Fund, National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya, AVSI, Stromme Foundation, BRAC, Fundación Carvajal.

INEE is a global open network of members who are working together within a humanitarian and development framework to ensure that all individuals have the right to a quality, safe, relevant, and equitable education. INEE’s work is founded on the fundamental right to education. For more information and to join INEE, visit inee.org.

Dubai Cares supported research in Phase 1 of ACCESS through the E Cubed Research Fund, however funding from Dubai Cares to ACCESS has since stopped. Dubai Cares is a UAE-based global philanthropic organisation that works towards providing children and youth in developing countries with access to quality education. Since its inception in 2007, the organisation has successfully launched education programs reaching over 20 million beneficiaries in 60 developing countries. Dubai Cares also plays a key role in helping achieve the UN SDG4 on quality education.
The Evidence for Education in Emergencies (E-Cubed) Research Fund aims to strengthen the evidence base in EiE, by supporting contextually relevant and usable research, and disseminating global public goods. Dubai Cares partnered with INEE in 2017 to design and manage this research fund.